Tulsa Murder – Open letter to Mayor Bartlett

According to media reports and direct accounts from family members, Khalid Jabara was shot in front of his home by neighbor Stanley Vernon Majors. Mr. Majors was continuously brought to law enforcement’s attention for harassing and threatening the Jabara family for years. On the afternoon of August 12th, Mr. Jabara was frightened after he learned that Mr. Majors, a felon and known danger, possessed a gun. Mr. Jabara called his mother warning her not to come home because he was worried about what might happen and also informed the police that Mr. Majors was armed. After responding to Mr. Jabara’s call, the Tulsa Police Department (TPD) felt nothing could be done and left the scene. Minutes later, Mr. Majors shot and killed Mr. Jabara on the front porch of the Jabara family home.
Read more in this open letter to Mayor Bartlett:
Coalition Letter re. Tulsa Murder

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