Tariq Hussain is a board member and co-founder of SMILE, a New Jersey, nonprofit organization dedicated towards poverty relief. Tariq’s vision for SMILE was to establish an institution that would take a multi-faceted approach towards poverty relief addressing obvious issues such as health, hunger, unemployment but also implementing programs encouraging arts and creativity. SMILE operates a food pantry in several locations that serve about 60 families per month, a monthly seniors’ program, annual blanket drives, park cleanups, girls’ self-esteem workshops, and an incipient health clinic, among other programs.
Tariq Hussain is an attorney by profession and has been practicing for several years. He has worked on several high profile cases including Shqeirat v. US Airways (also known as the Six Imams case) and In re Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001(also known as the 9/11 Litigation).
Tariq also serves on the board of the Center of Islamic Life at Rutgers University–a program dedicated to establishing a Muslim chaplaincy program at Rutgers University and is a current fellow at the American Muslim Civil Leadership Institute (AMCLI V).
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